David Peak is the author of the black metal horror novel Corpsepaint (Word Horde, 2018). His other books include Eyes in the Dust (Dunhams Manor, 2016), The Spectacle of the Void (Schism, 2014), and The River Through the Trees (Blood Bound Books, 2013). Other writing has appeared or is forthcoming in places such as Year's Best Weird Fiction Volume 5 (Undertow Publications), Serial Killing: A Philosophical Anthology (Schism), Denver Quarterly, Electric Literature, and 3:AM. He lives in Chicago where he operates Blue Square Press.

An extensive list of publications can be viewed here.

My essay "Horror of the Real: H.P. Lovecraft's Old Ones and Contemporary Speculative Philosophy" was published in Diseases of the Head: Essays on the Horrors of Speculative Philosophy. All gratitude to Matt Rosen for bringing me in and making me sound smart.