David Peak is the author of the black metal horror novel Corpsepaint (Word Horde, 2018). His other books include Eyes in the Dust (Dunhams Manor, 2016), The Spectacle of the Void (Schism, 2014), and The River Through the Trees (Blood Bound Books, 2013). Other writing has appeared or is forthcoming in places such as Year's Best Weird Fiction Volume 5 (Undertow Publications), Serial Killing: A Philosophical Anthology (Schism), Denver Quarterly, Electric Literature, and 3:AM. He lives in Chicago where he operates Blue Square Press.

An extensive list of publications can be viewed here.

The Next Big Thing: Glowing in the Dark

Ben Spivey, most recently the author of the truly excellent Black God, tagged me in the "Next Big Thing" interview series. Bless him. Basically, this a blog series in which the tagged author answers 10 questions and then tags another / other authors who will then do the same thing. If you don't do it, you might die. There are a lot of writers participating in this series, which means there are lots of "big things" out there. It's probably pretty safe to assume that I am not going to be the next "big thing," but if you want to check out two writers who actually stand a chance of becoming "big things," check out these two: Michael J Seidlinger's post here and / or Robert Kloss's post here.

1) What is the title of your latest book?

Glowing in the Dark. Goodreads.

2) Where did the idea come from for the book?

The northern land of ancient lords.

3) What genre does your book fall under?

Literary horror. Claptrap. 

4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

Klaus Kinski. Split-screen. Like Jeremy Irons in Dead Ringers but with less blinking.

5) What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

An endless hallway leading nowhere.

6) Who published your book?

Aqueous Books. Bless them.

7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

This collection comprises eight years of my short fiction writing. 

8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?  

Ligotti's Grimscribe was a major influence.

9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?

A general fear of death.

10) What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?

Nick Antosca said this: "Glowing in the Dark, David Peak's new collection of stories, is essential reading for those of us who savor the disturbing and surreal. Peak's sketches of nightmarescapes and strange yet unsettlingly familiar worlds remind me of the best Ligotti stories and the most unsettling moments of 'Inland Empire.' Read this at once." 


That's it. Thanks for reading and be sure you go read Ben's interview if you haven't already.

Next up I've passed the Q&A to Cassandra Troyan whose poetic novel, Throne of Blood, will soon be released by one of my favorite presses, Solar Luxuriance. Check out the trailer here. It's going to be great.